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Jim Beam White Label (짐빔 화이트 라벨)

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

(한국어 시음기 밑에 있어요!)

The most popular Kentucky bourbon in the world; and second most popular 'bourbon' in general after Jack Daniels (Let's sidestep this controversy by using '' marks!), Jim Beam has been a mainstay of the American whiskey industry since the early days of the republic. It is as American as Bud Light and according to its many critics, as flavourless as it too. But is that really true? That's what I aim to find out today with this review of the ubiquitous Jim Beam White Label.

This whisky uses a relatively high rye bourbon mashbill, with a touch of malted barley added to liven things up, and is aged in virgin oak barrels for around 4 years before being bottled.


ABV: 40%

Colour: Amber to light copper

Chill-filtered: Yes.

Nose: Notes of oak, woodpolish, vanilla and cherries dominate what is a relatively one dimensional aroma. Hints of black pepper, cinnamon and roasted peanuts appear in the background, but never more than just hints. 14/25

Palate: Black pepper gives an initial mildly spice kick, but this gives way to cherries, vanilla and caramel popcorn, giving a very smooth and sweet profile. 20/25

Finish: Brown sugar, metallic grain notes and the mildest whiff of peanut butter appear in quick succession in what is a bitter-sweet, if very short, finish 9/25

Value*: While it's cheap as chips in its home country, it will to cost you about as much as a drinkable bottle of wine in Korea. It falls into the same price band as Johnnie Walker Red and Jameson here and can be very expensive if you are crazy enough to buy from the supermarket. If you know where to look though, you can get it at a very reasonable price. 20/25


Jim Beam gets a helluva bad rep in the whisky world. But is that hate really as deserved as some aficionados think it is? Well, for what it is, a bottom shelf, budget bourbon, it is pretty decent. Ridiculously simple? Absolutely. But nonetheless it is a fine sipper that is completely inoffensive to both tastebuds and wallets alike. If you live in the US, sure, you might be able to get better bourbons at the same price point, but in Korea? Not really. All in all, it gets a lot of hate, but most of it is undeserved. It's alright. Nothing special, but it's alright. Plus it makes a killer highball!

Basic Rating: 57.3%

Price Adjusted Rating*: 63%

Daily Drinker: Yeah, sure. It's cheap, easy to drink and has no off-putting tastes. Why not?

Possible pairing: Soda water. This whisky is at its best when you do as the Japanese do and highball it. Did I mention that it's superb as a highball?

Where to find in Korea: EVERYWHERE. This is probably the most ubiquitous whisky in Korea.

TLDR Version:

N: Oak, Woodpolish, vanilla, cherries. A touch of black pepper, cinnamon and roasted peanuts

P: Mild spice, cherries, vanilla and caramel popcorn. Sweet and very easy to sip.

F: Brown sugar, metallic grain, sweetcorn and peanut butter. Very short and weak.

V: In the lower price band in Korea, along side JW Red and Jameson.

C: Decent for a bottom shelf bourbon. Very simple though.


N: 오크통,나무 광택제, 바닐라, 체리 → 후추, 계피, 구운 땅콩

P : 약한 우드스파이스, 체리, 바닐라 캬라멜 팝콘. 달콤하고 마시기 쉬워요

F: 흑설탕, 금속,옥수수,땅콩 버터. 피니시가 매우 짧고 약해요.

V : 가격은 조니 워커 레드 정도예요.

C: 싼 맛이지만 나쁘지 않아요.

Buy / Mooch / Pass: Buy

Review by Glasgowhisky


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